God says that prayer moves his hand. That when his people pray, he does what he would not do if they had not prayed. “You do not have because you do not ask…”- James 4. (And yeah…you gotta ask with right motives, as the context makes clear. In his will, in submission to his Lordship.)
God invites his people to pray. And promises to answer. And calls them to persist in prayer. To continue over time, believing and seeking him.
God has NOT promised to heal our Land. We're not ancient Israel, we're not under a Theocracy, and we not living in the Promised Land. Nor has he threatened to exile us (and then bring us back later). But he does move in response when his people humble themselves, pray, seek his face, and turn for their wickedness. Not society's wickedness or sin, but his people's wickedness. The problem is NOT "out there." It's among his people. You have NOTHING to do with judging outsiders. That's God's job, not yours, Mr. SuperSaintMan. (1 Cor. 5:12).
God forbid that we'd mock his Name by our actions.
God forbid that we'd seek political solutions to spiritual problems
God forbid that we'd point at "their" sins instead of humbling ourselves
God forbid that we'd pray without repenting
Where do you need to repent? Do it. (Or at least admit to yourself- and to God- that you don't want to fully follow Jesus)
Pray for God to move in this world, in this time
Pray for God to use you
Pray for God to form us into useable disciples who rep him well